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Since choosing our topic, we decided to revise our PICOT question slightly. Our original PICOT question was: How does the application of early prone positioning compare to supine positioning in the outcome of patients with severe acute respiratory disease syndrome? We changed our PICOT question to: How does the application of early prone positioning compare to non-prone positioning in the outcome of patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome during hospitalization? The topic change allows us to see the benefits of other positions, other than supine, during hospitalization. An initial challenge with our original PICOT question was whether to find articles of patients with intubation and mechanical ventilation or without. We decided to look for articles with patients on mechanical ventilation assuming they’d be on it due to the severity of their illness. The next challenge we encountered was navigating through CINAHL and Medline. There were many widgets and specific keywords we needed to use to find the articles of choice. As in the real world, we would ask a person with more experience for guidance. In this case, we asked Dr. Kramlich to help us navigate through the database to help find the articles of choice. We used keywords from subject headings of other articles that we found useful to allow us to find some of the articles we plan to appraise critically. Communication amongst us was successful in deciding to reach out for help when we needed it.
I like how you explained the importance in updating our PICOT question. I think it makes it easier to research, and it is more practical. I am glad that we are on the same page with communication- if we cannot figure it out ourselves, we will definitely seek further help.