Mental Health

Squashing Mental Illness Misconceptions

I knew mental health was an issue in the US, but I didn’t how prevalent and severe it is. People often ignore their mental health issue(s) to avoid the perception of being weak and judged. The ignorance often leads to poor coping habits such as substance abuse which can worsen the problem. As a result, more complications can arise, and treatment can be more difficult. As nurses, unconditional positive regard and cognitive behavioral therapy are two fundamental concepts. Not judging a person for their decisions and helping them take small steps towards a positive change is what I see crucial. If we judge a mentally ill patient, they will most likely never want to come back. If the patient doesn’t come back, they won’t get the treatment needed to help them achieve a state of wellness. The stigma associated with mental illness is something that isn’t always visible, which is why we need to be understanding of others and continue to learn.